Business Coach Optimizes Offerings by Helping Businesses Survive the Crisis

Ascend Business Coach works with small business owners, executives, partners and entrepreneurs to optimize the potential of business owners and their team members. Their goal is to see elevated performance of a business through working with a coach rather than on one’s own. True coaching challenges the way clients think and act. It's about teaching 'how' to think as opposed to 'what' to think.
While they are still working with a few clients face-to-face, most of their interactions have shifted to video or telephone conferencing. They spent quite a bit of time helping each client with the PPP application process, education around the provisions, and planning for the future. They’ve also spent a lot of time exploring pivot opportunities with respect to revenue. They’ve created modified budgets/projections with clear time frames for critical decisions to be made.
100% of Ascend Business Coach’s clients applied and received the PPP funding. They're now working through how to achieve optimal forgiveness for each. Providing value for each of their clients is critical to them and they've not lost a single client in spite of the broad impacts of COVID-19. In some cases, it's been about thinking through pivot opportunities and what business might look like under a variety of scenarios. In other cases, it's helping clients survive until the economy begins reopening.
No one should go-it-alone and everyone needs support from the surrounding community to make the right decisions, hold us accountable, and the like. Introductions to business owners or executives who have tried to go-it-alone is a great gesture to help out Ascend Business Coaching. They are committed to getting the best fit for everyone, whether that's with them or someone else. To learn more about their solutions, visit their website here: