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CMG Client: Doe Eyed Boutique

Doe Eyed Boutique contacted us for guidance on how to further market their business and grow to the next level. The owner, Liz Landers, founded the business in 2018 and as any start-up does, she created a website. As the business grew over the years, so did the company's offerings, capabilities, and successes. Our advice to Liz was to develop an updated website and not because it wasn't visually appealing, but because it didn't showcase nearly all of the services and capabilities that are offered today. This, as we mentioned to her, is a positive sign that the business has grown and it was time to focus on what Doe Eyed Boutique has to offer today and the bright future they have ahead.



Issue: Doe Eyed Boutique had outgrown its existing website, specifically with showcasing current business offerings.

Solution: We collaborated with Liz to articulate the business' offerings and opportunities to grow, including speaking and workshop capabilities, additional services, and affiliations. Like many other CreativeMktGroup projects, this process was not about designing a beautiful website, but working closely together to determine and bring to life the many unique offerings available through Doe Eyed Boutique.

Deliverables: Key Messaging / Website


Doe Eyed Boutique


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