CMG Small Business Strong Features Inspiring HR

Inspiring HR lives a vision of HR Done Differently. Their services and solutions are specifically designed for small business owners that know they need HR help but worry they’re inviting unnecessary complexity. They are all about simplifying, whenever possible, with a laser focus on "need to know" so there is always an added value. All their clients leave feeling like they are more informed, empowered and motivated to move forward. Inspiring HR believes in real people building real relationships. They don’t just tell you what to do, they help you do it.
How has their business shifted as a result of the COVID-19 crisis?
The only thing they have shifted is increasing their focus on client care and decreasing focus on targeted business development efforts. In-person networking is cancelled anyway! A crisis like this requires businesses to take the best possible care of their current clients. For Inspiring HR that means additional communication efforts and targeted outreach. In addition, there is an extra level of focus on empathy and flexibility, while they work with clients who are doing their own shifting. Business plans have turned on a dime and new labor laws were rolled out quickly. Inspiring HR has the luxury of existing relationships that help them give their clients specific guidance that complies with recently passed labor laws and suits the unique nature of their business circumstances.
What has Inspiring HR done to be innovative and creative in order for their business to survive this economic crisis?
Remote work is alive and well, and now on steroids. Inspiring HR already knew it worked - they built an entire company, 10+ years strong, around it - so they are championing it further whenever possible. Their clients have really appreciated all the insight, materials, templates and personal experience Inspiring HR was able to give them when they found themselves able to stay open but required to have employees work from home. If you are new to working from home or new to leading remote employees, they have the experience to advise you on how to build out the infrastructure and hold people accountable, all while staying true to your company’s vision, mission and values.
How can you support this small business during this time?
Education is key! Never before have complex labor laws been passed so quickly. And, never before have the passage of laws required so many intersecting subject matter experts; Payroll, HR, Benefits Plan Brokers or Administrators, Accountants and/or Business Finance specialists. Inspiring HR has had an opportunity to speak during several webinars, while still keeping their vision of HR Done Differently and their passion for simplicity in mind. They want all small businesses to survive and get on the other side of this; client or not. Inspiring HR has always taken great pride in being business professionals, who also happen to be great at HR. But to make sure every small business gets the right answers during a very confusing time, they pay close attention to educating on what they know in the HR space and deferring to other subject matter experts or referring to those they trust for areas that are not their specialty. For more information on Inspiring HR, visit their website at
CreativeMktGroup is known for supporting the growth and success of small businesses and organizations in Richmond, VA and throughout the world. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, CreativeMktGroup has developed a campaign called Small Business Strong. Every day, we will feature and promote a small business and/or organization and how it supports the livelihood of others. If you would like CreativeMktGroup to feature your story, please contact