Developers Create A New App To Help Maintain Social Distancing

Regulr was founded in 2017 to bring business and people together. Their mobile app helps people control their customer experience in-store and in real-time. With our communities under attack, they knew that they had an opportunity to make RVA and beyond confident in stepping out of their doors. Over the past couple of weeks, they have worked to bring a new mobile app, Distance, to life. To help stop the spread of disease, Distance gives people proximity alerts when they are within a 6 foot distance of one another. The app acts as a friendly sensor to remind you in real-time to stay a respectful distance from other people as everyone seeks to get our social lives back and open businesses doors again. We are in this together and Distance is their way as thinkers, technologists, designers, and developers, to help communities stay safe during this uncertain time.
Regulr currently has a B2B2C model and local business is their lifeblood. With nearly all of their core audience hit by this trying time, they decided to take a pause on their funding efforts for the Regulr app and use their technology to help bring confidence back to the community. While the world is in uncertain times, they know the impact social distancing can have to help keep each other safe. To encourage and maintain the 6 foot distance, they created Distance -- an app to help people practice their social distancing confidently.
Distance is their shift as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. With people uncertain of whether they should step out of their doors or not, Regulr had the opportunity to utilize their patented technology that allows for devices to communicate with one another. At the core of Distance is a proximity alert that helps people maintain their 6 foot distance.
To help your community, you can keep maintaining a safe distance. The way everyone beats this is together, and this is the new normal maybe for a while. So if and when you have to step out of your door, follow the CDC guidelines (and download Distance for any Apple or Android device) to help you maintain a safe social distance. The 6 foot rule can feel weird at first but if people all follow these guidelines, they can slowly start building their communities back to where they were before the crisis. To read more about the Distance app, visit their website at