Consulting Company Aides Small Business Navigation Through Crisis
Weir Consulting serves as the finance and recruiting department for small businesses and nonprofits, so that leaders can make the most informed decisions about money and people.
Weir Consulting launched free consultations with any organization about the Paycheck Protection Program, leading at least a half dozen organizations through the process. They also put out weekly (and sometimes twice weekly) updates on the evolving PPP framework, aiming to give good advice that actually impacted small businesses.
They started doing zoom interviews with organizations navigating COVID-19 and publishing them on LinkedIn. Director of the company, Stephen Weir, spoke of how amazing it has been to hear everyone's different perspective on their organization’s path forward. Everyone is trying to do the next right thing.
Weir Consulting encourages everyone to find a good non profit and support it. Before starting his own business, Stephen led a nonprofit called Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (or CHAT) which continues to do amazing work in the East End of Richmond. These types of organizations do important work that holds together communities, so find one and get behind it. Visit Weir Consulting’s website to learn more: