Client Feature: Butch's BBQ
Butch’s BBQ is a family owned small business that jumped on the opportunity to start a new venture. The name, after Blair’s father “Butch”, was the spark behind their passion for creating amazing food worth remembering. With high-end culinary skills on their side, the Mannings were ready to button-up their brand and establish their visual identity. We originally met Blair Manning to help with marketing for his other business, Capital City Painting.
Issue: The Mannings had defined their menu but needed a brand to represent it, which included a cohesive logo and brand identity to legitimize their business to represent the food they were serving. They came to the design session with a photo of “Butch” sitting on a fence in his earlier years. We incorporated this photo in their branding for a rugged, western feel they loved.
Solution: CMG held an informational session to meet with Blair and Dawn about their vision of the brand. Within weeks, the logo was designed in real time providing multiple versions for social media and print materials. We assisted in getting their trailer wrapped in keeping with their brand identity and logo, as well as designed their food menus for customers.
Deliverables: Brand Identity / Brand Research / Logo Design + Packaging / Brand Style Guide / Business Card Design + Printing / Trailer Wrap / Menu Design
Butch's BBQ
