Local Hot Sauce Company's Mission Is Awakening the World to Hemp's Benefits

Established in 2016, the Gourmet Hemp Foods LLC founders were first activists in the halls of Virginia's General Assembly meeting with their state representatives advocating for the legalization of industrial hemp (the non-psychoactive cannabis cousin of marijuana). Once American farmers could legally grow hemp again, the #GHFoods team was one of the first companies in the nation to create both a Hempasta and hemp-based sauces condiments utilizing domestic grown and crushed hemp seeds.
From the onset, the reception of their four staple products has been tremendous: Linguine Hempasta, Fusilli Hempasta, Hemp Hottie Sauce & Hemp Honey BBQ Sauce.
Due to the unique social outcome of merging the hemp and foodie worlds, the Gourmet Hemp Foods team takes its mission of 'Awakening the World to Hemp's Benefits' seriously. Whether it's working with nonprofits, universities, or industry professionals, they continuously strive to build strong relationships within both the hemp and farm-to-table communities and beyond!
Gourmet Hemp Foods exclaims the health benefits of hemp seeds, viewing them as an essential innovation that will enhance the well-being of mankind. They embrace the farm to table and slow food movements with domestic hemp seeds being their premier ingredient. Their web platform is specifically designed to promote their community of food and farm personalities and food service and retail establishments that utilize the GHFoods products to make their own #GHFoods creations. They make it easy for their customers to enjoy hemp every day by focusing on delicious products that can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle. Gourmet Hemp Foods distributes educational and empowering content that promotes its core values in a fashion that accomplishes its mission of awakening the world to hemp benefits.
The COVID-19 crisis has affected all facets of their business. They had suppliers going out of business, forcing the Gourmet Hemp Foods team to create new relationships with new suppliers. Many of the planned events being canceled. Indeed, delaying their progress they had built from a year ago, they continue to develop new products and hope to bring them to the market by the end of the year and 2021.
They also have pivoted their promotional strategy by partnering with chefs, which helps them gain exposure and feature the Gourmet Hemp Foods products to drive their online traffic. They anticipate quadrupling current revenue through online marketing, local promotions, retail partnerships, and chef partnerships.
You can support Gourmet Hemp foods by partnering with them and creating a Gourmet Hemp Foods Chef Profile! Start by visiting their current Gourmet Hemp Foods chefs page; if you or someone you know is interested in a chef profile, start by purchasing some of their farms to table Gourmet Hemp Foods products. A GHFoods Chef Profile is a great tool to drive customers to your platform; moreover, you will be joining a community of supportive foodies and receiving a lifetime customized coupon code.
Visit Gourmet Hemp Foods' website at https://www.gourmethempfoods.com/.