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Support Local: Dayum This Is My Jam


During the holiday season especially, there always seems to be some memorable and special moments. Early December 2021, CreativeMktGroup received a package at the office. We were not only delighted at the thoughtful holiday gift full of goodies, but even more so that this small business (whom we do not know) took time, effort, and the donation of their products to us. We quickly dove into this deliciousness (but of course took a marketing photo first)!


Our CMG team then spent some time to learn more about the company, products, and story from their website. For Natalie specifically, founder of CreativeMktGroup, she truly resonated with the statement that Andy stated, "This past year has been a whirlwind. With all the obstacles and roadblocks, I have re-examined what I want most out of life. Time and time again, it comes down to two main things: Being there for my family and doing what I love. Owning a small business takes a tremendous amount of work. Even tougher is owning a business and working a full time job. The dream is to someday do Dayum Jam full time, and right now, I am working harder than ever towards that dream."


That said, CMG asks you to support this hard working entrepreneur and small business owner. Visit their website, buy their products, and spread the word about their brand. Together, let's help make another entrepreneur's dream come true.

Dayum This Is My Jam


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